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Firmware Download Issue on EPSON XP15000 Printer
I've tried several times to download chipless firmware to my EPSON XP15000 printer, but I always encounter an issue right at 99% completion. The message states firmware download incomplete or something similar. I have read on the Precision Colors website that this is a common problem, and I should click NEXT when this message appears to proceed to the next step. However, clicking NEXT results in the download meter hanging at 99% indefinitely. Is there a solution to this problem, or am I stuck in this dead end?
Step by Step Guide Reminder
Have you read our Step by Step Guide before downloading the firmware?
Registration Code Issue
I have been experiencing the same problem. Despite following the procedure multiple times and ensuring the correct firmware is loaded, I encounter difficulties when trying to register the code online. The screen pops up briefly and then disappears without completing the upgrade process.
Issue with XP-15000 Printer
I have two XP-15000 printers, one of which successfully entered the activation key and has been working well for four months with OEM cartridges. The other printer, for which I wanted chipless functionality, has a CISS installed. The Firmware Updater shows the firmware version as 20.42NW99Z9, but it gets stuck at 99% without reaching the point where I can input the activation key. The printer LCD screen displays the version as NWO7K7, and one ink tank is nearing the chip replacement time. Will this affect the Firmware Updater process, and how can I input the activation key?
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