Request for Chipless Solutions for Printers​

Hello! I recall seeing a request for new chipless solutions for printers but I can't recall where or how to send a request so I'm going to here in hopes that it's possible to obtain as I would purchase quite a few of these of each printer if possible.

Supported Printer Models​

- Epson WorkForce 7210
- Epson T3170

Please let me know if these can be models you support in the future or if it's something you could make and I could test for you, and I'd be happy to be the 'test rat' for it.


Updates on Epson WF-7210 Printer Model​

Regarding Epson WF-7210 printer model - we are working on it at this time and estimated date of finishing chipless firmware developing is March-April 2020.

Customer Inquiry​

Do you have an estimated date for the WF-7210 chipless solution?


The estimated date of finishing chipless firmware developing is March 2020. It will be available since April 1 - [link=[URL]]2manuals[/link[/URL]].

I've updated the firmware for the 7210 as well as purchased a key for the firmware but my license.exe keeps telling me that the 7210 is an unsupported printer model even with the 7210 firmware version being SA12J4. Am I missing something?


Make sure that you are using the latest version of the activation software: [link=[URL]]Download[/URL] Here[/link].

Inquiry for Epson T3170​

Have Epson T3170 forecast without a chip?

Contact Admin​

Mobile/Zalo: 0915 589 236